Tag Archives: experiences

10 tips for solo travellers in Vietnam

Helpful experiences in vietnam for solo travellers

If you’re planing to book a hotel for next trip, please booking at here – on agoda.com to help me maintain this blog. With each booking, you lose nothing but I will receive a small donate. I’m very grateful for that! Vietnam is a charming country you should visit at least once in a lifetime. The nature, the local […]

What to pack for a motorbike trip in Vietnam?

pack for a motorbike trip

If you’re planing to book a hotel for next trip, please booking at here – on agoda.com to help me maintain this blog. With each booking, you lose nothing but I will receive a small donate. I’m very grateful for that! Needless to say, packing is very important. What gear to bring and how much is enough for the entire trip?! It’s a […]

Phuot (travel on motorbike) – the best way to travel in Vietnam

We love roads

If you’re planing to book a hotel for next trip, please booking at here – on agoda.com to help me maintain this blog. With each booking, you lose nothing but I will receive a small donate. I’m very grateful for that! As a guy having many experiences in Phuot (a rising way of travel on motorbike in Vietnam), I wish to […]

When is the Best Time to Book Flights

The best time to book flights

If you’re planing to book a hotel for next trip, please booking at here – on agoda.com to help me maintain this blog. With each booking, you lose nothing but I will receive a small donate. I’m very grateful for that! 1. The truth you should know: Airlines earn much money from understanding our shopping habits. Most of us buy […]